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Congratulations!Staroon Will Work Together With FSC To Protect The “Human Breathing Lungs”

Views: 50     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2021-12-24      Origin: Site

Congratulations!Staroon Will Work Together With FSC To Protect The “Human Breathing Lungs”

On December 22, 2021, Staroon successfully passed the FSC forest management system certification and obtained the right to use the FSC logo after a rigorous inspection and evaluation. This indicates that staroon's products have been highly recognized by the global market as green, environmentally friendly and renewable textile materials.

In recent years, as environmental awareness grows, more consumers around the world are looking to protect the forests on which humanity depends by purchasing certified products. A growing number of countries are making FSC forest certification a requirement for the import of wood products, and others are including the certification as a government procurement standard. Many consumers are also committed to buying only certified wood and forest products, even if they are more expensive than non-certified products.


FSC (Forest Stewardship Council), founded more than 20 years ago, has earned a worldwide reputation as the "most rigorous" and "trusted forest certification system". The core of the FSC is sustainable forest management, protecting forests and also maintaining the economy and livelihood of the road, so that forest conservation does not jump into the trap of dichotomy.


The certification means that Staroon's textile products have been supervised and guided by the certification norms from raw material procurement to transportation to production and other important aspects. It is because Staroon has been following the green principles for many years and has implemented strict standardized control in all aspects of production and marketing that the FSC certification was approved soon after the launch.


The bamboo used in our products, such as bamboo pillows and bamboo quilts, is 100% from FSC certified forests which are sustainable and well-operated.

In addition, Staroon also carries out projects such as "Ocean Cycle" to protect marine biodiversity and "Winter Warmth" to help children in poor mountainous areas.

While intelligence is a gift, kindness is a choice, We believe that social responsibility is ingrained in the DNA of companies that are capable and want to seek social change. In the future, we will explore more areas to provide more environmentally friendly, safe and comfortable products.


Hello, I'm ERIK, the author of this article.

I've been in the home textile industry for many years and have made many friends from all over the world.In some business activities, I found that many buyers are delayed about the industry dynamics and the lack of product expertise, I know it will cause trouble for both sides and not conducive to a pleasant cooperation, so I intend to create an article to share what I know to you.

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