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How to Take Care of Your Cotton Bedding?

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How to Take Care of Your Cotton Bedding?

Cotton pillowcases, sheets, and duvet covers give real bliss and the feeling of sleeping on a cloud. We do not doubt that you would like to keep these sensations as long as possible, and this can be done in one way – we mean proper care for your bed linen.

High-quality cotton bedding is eco-friendly, durable, beautiful, and incredibly pleasant to the touch. However, if you do not care for them, they gradually lose their freshness, softness, and purity of color and become rough and worn out. Do you really want such a fate for your set, which you are in love with? We suppose not. If so, let's talk about the important rules of caring for cotton bedding, including blankets and comforters.

How to Wash, Dry, and Iron Your Cotton Bedding: 6 Simple Rules


The three pillars in the history of cotton bedding care are, of course, washing, drying, and ironing. It may seem that if there is a washing machine, dryer, and iron at home, there is nothing complicated here, but this misconception is a bit dangerous since natural fabric requires gentle handling. So, we offer you six helpful rules that will allow you to enjoy your bedding for a very long time.

You don't need any special magic to keep your cotton sheets and pillowcases perfect. The principles and stages of caring for them are quite simple, but if you follow them properly, you will certainly succeed.

‍Wash Your Cotton Bedding At Least Every Two Weeks

We do not doubt that you practice hygiene and take a shower every day. However, each of us, like any other living being (please excuse if this comparison seemed harsh to you), cannot be completely clean (we mean sterile). And our bed linen, which absorbs our sweat, oil, and bacteria, completely agrees with this! This is mostly true for cotton products, which are known as impressive absorbents.

That's why even if your love of water treatments makes you look like a striped raccoon, take care of washing your bedding at least every two weeks. Load the entire set into the washing machine at once, including sheets, duvet covers, and pillowcases. However, if you have the opportunity to wash cotton bedding once a week, you are perfect!

Follow the Care Instructions – And Avoid Very Hot Water


There is a popular belief that dirt and stains are very easy to remove from cotton fabric if you wash them with hot water. Very hot water. However, this coin has a downside: the high temperature of the water affects both the color and the fibers of the bed linen themselves. This washing mode leads to fading, shrinkage, and even tearing of your sheets.

So forget about such stereotypes and just follow the care instructions on the label of cotton bedding. Believe us, there is nothing there that would harm your favorite natural set.

Do not overuse detergent and choose Eco-Friendly Solutions for washing cotton bedding

The detergent for washing duvet covers and pillowcases made of cotton should be liquid and soft. Manufacturers do not recommend using washing powder, as it can roughen the fibers or even lead to their abrasion. Put the bleach away as well: it is too aggressive for the delicate fabric of your sheets. And one more thing: you won't need a fabric softener either, because cotton is soft by itself, and an excess of softness, in this case, can only lead to destruction.

So, you are left with water and a delicate detergent to wash your cotton bedding. That should suffice for you! Use a small amount of the product, add water, put the sheets down, and just after that, your machine should start the process. We dare say you will be satisfied with the result!

‍Wash Your Sheets Separately


Good cotton is unpretentious in and of itself. So, you can wash it with other things. However, this is not true for all clothing and textiles. For example, jeans and terry towels are too coarse for you to wash them together with cotton sheets and pillowcases. Their constant friction can spoil the fibers and add an extra pile to the natural fabric.

If you still don't want to think about what you can wash your bedding with and what you can't all the time, just wash it separately. This will save you time and prevent unnecessary worry.

‍Dry Your Cotton Bedding with Low Heat

Do you think that drying your bed linen made of natural cotton in the washing machine is quite normal? Congrats, you are absolutely right! However, in this case, it is very important to follow certain rules:

  • Dry your cotton pillowcases and duvet covers over medium or low heat in your washing machine. Too high temperatures will cause the fabric to dry out, and it will be unpleasant for you to touch it.

  • Get the bed linen out of the dryer when it is 95% dry. After that, leave them to dry freely in the air. Easy ironing and a minimum of wrinkles – isn't that a great bonus for all this fuss?

  • Leave your sheets, duvet covers, and pillowcases to dry outdoors whenever possible. It is eco-friendly, safe for the fabric, and besides, it saves energy in your household.

Iron Your Cotton Bedding to Make it Flawless


On the one hand, it is absolutely unnecessary to iron pillowcases and duvet covers made of cotton—and many really don’t, because they are sure that bedding will get wrinkled anyway. However, think about how nice it is to lie down on perfectly ironed, clean, and fresh sheets as if you were in a VIP hotel.

To give your cotton bed linen such a condition, iron it at medium temperatures while it is still slightly damp, and then there will be no wrinkles at all!

After ironing, leave the bedding to dry and cool in the air. Only after that, can you proceed to the arrangement of the perfect sleeping place.

What About Cotton Duvet Care?


Certainly, you don't need to stuff cotton blankets into the washing machine as often as your organic bedding. However, they also need our attention, because they serve us all year round. Although the duvet cover protects the duvet from most of the dirt, its cotton case still needs to be refreshed from time to time.

We recommend washing cotton comforters at least once a year or every six months. In this case, you will be able to keep them fresh and soft and create an obstacle for those nasty dust mites that can cause a lot of inconveniences.

How to Remove Stains from Cotton Bedding

The stains on your sheets are absolutely not what you would like to see. Even if they are not too noticeable, you will still feel a certain discomfort even laying down on the washed bed linen. That is why it is so important to take all measures so that the look of your duvet covers and pillowcases does not upset you.

Cotton does not absorb all kinds of stains and some types of dirt can be removed with soap and water, while others will make you sweat when you work at them. However, it is still better not to take risks and to keep in mind a few simple rules:

  • Start removing the stain immediately. If it gets absorbed into cotton fibers, it can stay forever and there will be no remedy for that.

  • If you put a non-greasy stain, use cold water. Hot water will have the opposite effect.

  • If the stain is oil-based, run as much hot water as possible. It will help you dissolve the fat.

  • Never try to wipe the stain when it is still damp, otherwise, it will spread through the fabric. It is better to gently blot it with a paper towel until it becomes as dry as possible.

  • Do not use bleach to remove separate stains! It can change the color of the fabric and make it heterogeneous, as well as weaken the cotton fibers.

Now we will tell you how to remove some dirt from a duvet cover, a pillowcase, or a cotton sheet. Keep in mind that the sooner you begin acting, the better your chances of dealing with the stain.


Oxygen bleach will help to overcome yellowish sweat stains. Soak the laundry in its aqueous solution overnight or for several hours, then rinse it, and wash it in a washing machine. If you want, you can use baking soda and white vinegar instead of bleach, adding it when your bedding is being washed.


Perhaps an amazing life hack is waiting for you here: hairspray will become a formidable weapon against an ink stain. Just spray the product on the ink and soak it with a paper towel until it disappears completely. After that, just rinse the sheet or pillowcase in cold water and it is as good as new.



You will be able to remove the blood stain while it is fresh—the more you delay, the more your chances tend to zero. Your assistants here are cold water and soap, baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, and even white vinegar. Choose one of them and apply it briefly on the spot (30 minutes or an hour will be enough). Blot the stain with a paper towel and wash it as usual.

How to Store Cotton Bedding


The best place to store cotton bedding, comforters, and blankets are where it is cool, dark, and dry. You can buy a linen closet, allocate a separate shelf in the wardrobe for your sheets, or use a drawer under the bed. Make sure that moisture does not get into it to prevent stains, fungus, and mold.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated about caring for cotton bedding. A little bit of habit, attention, and diligence—and your sleeping place beckons with softness, lightness, freshness, and the promise of a sound sleep. And this is true for all the products that you can find in our store:


Hello, I'm ERIK, the author of this article.

I've been in the home textile industry for many years and have made many friends from all over the world.In some business activities, I found that many buyers are delayed about the industry dynamics and the lack of product expertise, I know it will cause trouble for both sides and not conducive to a pleasant cooperation, so I intend to create an article to share what I know to you.

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